News of Ferrum’s new presale.

3 min readAug 31, 2021

It’s already the last day of August. Recently, game pies have become the trend. New attempts to incorporate metabuses, nfts, and games are coming to the market as a warm wind. I’d like to let you know because I have news about it. In fact, there has been tremendous growth in projects due to gamefi meta.

(pet of axie infinite sold at 30 ETH)

This is news of REVOLVE GAME sales.

Revolve Games builds on a dynamic DeFi economy-based galaxy, Play Toon — accumulated blockchain game meta-bus.

In the Revolve ecosystem, NFT combines native tokens and gameplay with staging rewards. Tethering executable NFTs such as characters, vehicles, and game builder packs reduces the value gap between segmented NFT native tokens. It also adds some stability to the value of each viable NFT asset because it is always backed by a stake in the native RPG token.

Staking rewards associated with a staking contract pegged to a tether are determined by the performance of the game. The more games you play and win, the more rewards you get. Platform users buy and rent land, monetize through game building, foster pets in-game, and engage in important RPG stories

Why did ferrum choose revolve game?​

The movement to generate profits through games is spreading in the blockchain industry. ferrum prides himself on maintaining the lead by identifying new trends and finding winners that fit the trends. This exactly corresponds to the revolve game.
“They chose every box from graphics to themes, and from the impressive DeFi economy, their buildings combined state and NFT elements. Also, Perroom bets on the team above all. Dan, James and Artem not only insisted on industry expertise but also absolutely enjoyed working together.” — Ian Friend Co-founder and COO

Who is a member of the Revolve Games team?

Dan Jensen has a background in web design and digital marketing. Before focusing on building blockchain and Revolve Games, he ran a digital agency for eight years.​
“Our partnership with FAS has changed the game for this project. We have benefited greatly from the rich industry experience owned by the Ferrum team. They worked with us to help us shape our movement into market strategies, bring valuable connections and establish a vision of spinning games into reality.” — Dan Jenson, co-founder

Revolve games

James Park has been a passionate cryptocurrency investor since 2018, and is looking at young and promising projects on the Angel/Seed/Venture Stage. He previously worked in venture capital and private equity investments, and looked at the technology, healthcare and consumer sectors of the family office.
Artem Zaitsev has a strong background for custom software development and architecture. He has been involved in encryption and asset tokenization since 2017. Artem is a powerful architect and applies to building structures and stacks that retain options to scale projects quickly and reduce expansion, latency.​

Revolve games Rotate snapshot details

⏳ When:
Snapshot will occur between the following time range 👇
Start: ⏳
Thursday, September 2nd at 09:00 UTC
End: ⌛️
Friday, September 3rd at 09:00 UTC

🚨 Make sure you have FRM and FRMx in your unyfire wallet in advance🚨
Check the👇 requirements.

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